Save My Seat is Full
Join Anabella’s & Plum Street Samplers for the
All 2025 Things Autumn Retreat!
Space is limited to the first 200 people!
Save My Seat for $99.00
Guarantees you a seat and is fully refundable
should you be unable to complete Registration when
it opens in April 2025.
Hotel Accommodations will be available at Colonial
Williamsburg Resort at the rate of $189.00 per night.
Registration fee for the retreat will be $425.00 and your
$99.00 Save My Seat fee will be applied to the Registration Fee of
$425.00 when Registration officially opens in April 2025.
Registration fee does not include travel, food, hotel or other expenses.
This will be a very special event with Paulette from Plum Street Samplers!