Registration opens Monday, April 10 at 8am MST.
Please join Claudia of Dutch Treat Designs, and Vickie and Maegan of NeedleWorkPress, as they share
information, and some special projects designed for fabric and/or perforated
paper, with you. Spend a weekend learning more about the Bristol Samplers from George Müller’s orphanages and related topics. I find the story of this historic needlework so compelling. Admittedly, I was first attracted to it because of the red thread the orphans most often used in their samplers, but their multi-colored needlework, which we will learn more about at Bristol 3, is another fascinating window into the Bristol Orphanage story.
The passion that the faculty shares for this needlework is reflected in their private collections. They bring some of that with them for the weekend, and the ballroom/classroom feels like an historic needlework museum